Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Javascript Template Frameworks Angular Knockout Backbone

  1. AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework
    AngularJS is what HTML would have been, had it been designed for building web-apps. Declarative templates with data-binding, MVW, MVVM, MVC, ...


    A great way to get introduced to AngularJS is to work through ...

    On step 2

    Now it's time to make the web page dynamic — with ...

    API Reference

    Use the API Reference documentation when you need ...

    A Note on Minification

    A Note on Minification. Since angular infers the controller's ...

    Developer Guide

    Welcome to the angular Developer Guide. If you are here to learn ...

    On step 3

    The most important differences between Steps 2 and 3 are ...
  2. AngularJS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework, maintained by Google, that assists with running single-page applications. Its goal is to augment ...

    1. Knockout : Home
      Simplify dynamic JavaScript UIs with the Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern. Download: Production. v2.3.0 - 15kb min+gz · Download: Prerelease.


      If your code isn't working as the tutorial describes, you can ...


      Installation. Simply reference the JavaScript file using a <script ...


      Introduction. Knockout is a JavaScript library that helps you ...


      Observables. Knockout is built around three core features ...

      Live examples

      Hello World example - Simple list - Grid editor example - Paged grid

      External links and tutorials

      External links and tutorials. See these external pages for more ...
    2. KnockoutJS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Knockout is a standalone JavaScript implementation of the Model-View-ViewModel pattern with templates. The underlying principles are therefore: a clear ...
    3. 'knockout.js' tag wiki - Stack Overflow
      Knockout is an implementation of the Model-View-View Model (MVVM) UI pattern inJavascript and HTML. Among its more interesting features: Declarative ...
    4. Essential Knockout.js, Part 1 -- Visual Studio Magazine
      Jul 8, 2013 - Learn how Knockout can help you tame the morass of JavaScript and HTML programming and reduce the time spent writing boilerplate code.

  1. Backbone.js
    Backbone.js (1.0.0). » GitHub Repository; » Annotated Source. Introduction Upgrading Events. – on; – off; – trigger; – once; – listenTo; – stopListening ...
    Annotated Source - ‎Todos - ‎Todos.js - ‎Test Suite
  2. Backbone.js Tutorials
    Backbone Tutorials is a collection of tutorials written by Thomas Davis. Everything is open source and I try my best to keep the tutorials updated. Though I am ...
  3. Learn Backbone.js - Code School
    Learn Backbone.js and start building sophisticated and structured web apps. Try out Backbone's JavaScript library with a RESTful JSON interface.
  4. Backbone.js Tips And Patterns | Smashing Coding
    Aug 9, 2013 - In this article, we'll explore different design patterns that you can use in your Backbone.js applications, and we'll look at many of the common ...
  5. javascript - What is the purpose of backbone.js? - Stack Overflow
    Mar 24, 2011 - I tried to understand the utility of backbone.js from its site ...Backbone.js is basically an uber-light framework that allows you to structure your ...
  6. Backbone.js - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Backbone is a JavaScript library with a RESTful JSON interface and is based on the model–view–presenter (MVP) application design paradigm. Backbone is ...
  1. Breeze.js: Home
    Rich data for JavaScript apps is a. Client caching. Cache queried, new, and changed data on the client for a responsive UI. Track changes. Track changes, raise ...


    Features - Query examples - A lap around breeze - Prerequisites


    Todo-Angular Sample. The Todo-Angular sample demonstrates ...


    Tutorial 1 - Queries - w/Knockout. Step 1 of 6. This tutorial guides ...


    Thursday, September 12, 2013 6:45 PM Berkeley City ...


    Breeze Todo - Intro to SPA - NoDB - Edmunds - Hot Towel - DocCode


    Welcome to the Breeze API documentation. If this is your ...
  2. Alternative to Breeze.js? - Stack Overflow
    Apr 11, 2013 - Is there an alternative to Breezejs that does not require . ... We actually designed Breeze to be independent of .NET, but none of our samples ...

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