Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to Install SQL Server 2008 R2 Express

Uploaded by on Jan 4, 2011
This video walks you through the installation process for SQL Server 2008 R2 Express. Note that many of the options also apply to other editions of SQL Server 2008, but there are differences. The goal is to make the setup process as easy as possible, so that you can start working with and learning SQL Server quickly. Due to time and complexity, the video does not address setup troubleshooting or errors. It does talk about your experience if SQL Server is already installed. This video should also apply to installing SQL Server 2008 Express (non-R2). For more information about installation, versions, and instances, see:
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Uploader Comments ( learningsqlserver )

  • @ieL223, on the Start Menu in the search box, type "Management Studio". See if it finds it there somewhere that you missed. If not, click the "All Programs" link on the Start Menu and look for "Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2". Is it under there? I know it's frustrating, but you could try uninstalling SQL Server 2008 from your machine and then reinstall, making sure you select the option "With Tools". There are other download options that don't say "With Tools", and you won't get SSMS with those.
  • @ravemania100, I see that the web page has changed for the link I'm going to. I'll have to consider creating an updated video. For this video, you'll have to select the database with tools option on the new page. I'm not yet going to make any Denali videos while it is in CTP. Thanks for pointing this out.
  • @kevsrikanth, the management tools is what you use to run queries, create tables, or do any other database tasks. There is an installation that does not have this feature. You have to download the version of the installation that includes the management tools. It appears in the start menu as SQL Server Management Studio. @0ElectroMad0, thanks, again!
  • @RastaBruh and @keeezz...Im not sure about the answers to these problems you are seeing. I recommend going the the MSDN forums for SQL Server and searching for similar problems from other users or posting your own question there.
  • @MrNoomiali...if you uncheck the management tools-basic but check the other options (Database Engine being the critical one), then you will have SQL Server installed and running. You just won't have the SQL Server Management Studio GUI tool for managing the database. So you'll have to create and access the databases in other ways (for example, programmatically with C# or some other language or another database tool).
  • hi, learningsqlserver.
    I have installed visual studio 2010(vs2010) with SQLserver express come with the (vs2010).
    than, I have installed sqlserver 2008 R2 developer.
    I can find the instance name in Configuration Manager and the service (MSSQLSERVER) is running, however, when I'm using VS2010 datasource explorer, I can only find the SQLexpress, not the MSSQLSERVER. How to solve this problem?

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